Accessing Financial Therapy



Therapy is becoming more socially acceptable and less taboo than it ever was before, and people are embracing new perspectives on how therapy can help them work through obstacles of all sorts and accomplish their goals. Therapy isn’t just for your fears in life and your relationships. Therapy can be about money too. Financial therapy could be the tool you need to break through your financial fears or impulses, your pile of debt, and even help you reach a level of financial freedom that goes beyond an amount of money, creating a sense of confidence and peace. But how, exactly can financial therapy help you? And at what stages in your financial journey? 

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Accessing the financial support you need


Financial Therapy supports you wherever you are in your financial journey but some people may need more focused support like budget or debt management or financial planning. As mentioned in the above posts, there are a range of financially forward individuals such as coaches, counselors, behaviorists, advisors, and planners to meet your needs and your budget. For an in-depth look at what each financial professional focuses on, read my Blog post:How Financial Therapy Helps at Different Life Stages.


The Real Cost of Not Accessing Financial Therapy


Financial Therapy is first an investment in you and/or your personal relationship. By bringing awareness, thought, and intention to how you view money allows for you to move towards the relationship you would like to have with yourself and/or your partner.  Delaying this keeps you stuck emotionally and frustrated financially.


Second, Financial Therapy brings awareness to your relationship with money. By noticing, being thoughtful, and intentional in this relationship, you create a space to identify the relationship you want to have with your money as well as creates space to moved towards that new relationship. By avoiding this review of your relationship, you are likely to continue to repeat current behaviors, actions, or patterns that move you away from your goals.


Third, clients often find money through this process to support the investment into themselves or their relationship with money. 


Fourth, Financial Therapy is a process where you learn new skills on how to engage with your money and move you towards your goals. Although this investment may seem a lot up front in view of financial and time resources, once new skills are acquired and applied your time and financial requirements lessen. 


How to Find A Financial Therapist or Professional 


- Set up a free 20 minute consultation with me to review your needs and goals

                    - Ask about Financial Therapy + Planning options

- If I am not the right fit for you, I will refer you on to the right person.

- If looking solely for a Financial Planner or Advisor, I am happy to provide referrals or you can use Google to search for one near you

- The Financial Therapy Association Directory has a range of financially supportive individuals

- Consult with a financial provider who can refer you to someone based on your needs

- Check your HR for Financial Wellness resources

- Some cities offer a The Financial Empowerment Center which provides free financial coaching. 


Free 20 Min Consultation

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