We More than Tripled our Net Worth in Less than Seven Years - Here's How financial freedom financial independence net worth savings and sending plan Jan 15, 2024

In the complex landscape of personal finance and building generational wealth, the pursuit of wealth often involves more than just dollars and cents; it's a journey that intertwines emotions, behaviors, and aspirations. Another layer in this landscape is navigating the journey with anoth...

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Paying off a mortgage early. Should we or shouldn’t we? financial independence May 25, 2023

Have you ever thought about paying off your mortgage early? Well, it has been on our radar since my husband and I started getting serious. But, we have met a lot of resistance from friends and family as there are many opinions about whether paying off your mortgage early is advantageous....

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Why Financial Independence is the Right Path for Us couples and money financial independence Sep 07, 2021


Financial Independence


Financial independence (FI) is the status of having enough income to pay one's living expenses for the rest of one's life without having to be employed or dependent on others. A lot of people focus on the number you need in order to attain FI which is subjec...

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The Pursuit of Financial Independence financial health financial independence Jul 26, 2021


When was the last time you looked at your bank account balance and smiled? More likely, the last time you looked at your bank account or budget, you felt stress, anxiety, and maybe even fear. 


Money brings out intense emotions, but they shouldn’t have to be negative. How do we cha...

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